Vet Services
Book a Collection here (Vet Clinics & Animal Hospitals Only)
We have worked closely with Veterinarians and Veterinary Nurses in the design of all our equipment and procedures. The deceased pets’ dignity is considered at all stages of the storage, transportation and cremation process.
Our cremation facilities are located in the western suburbs of Melbourne and service Melbourne and surrounding areas daily. We aim to meet a growing community need for proper pet disposal by cremation.
Unlike other operators located in rural areas, our central location allows reduced travel times and therefore reduced turnaround times on our services.
1. Guaranteed Individual Cremation (Returned) in your client's choice of urn or receptacles
2. Guaranteed Individual Cremation (Non returned)
3. EPA Unmarked burials
4. Prepaid Cremation Plans
Please note that we have Colour coded Body Bags available in our product range here.
You can book a collection of a pet here.